Tab Session Manager Plug-In for Firefox / Session Buddy for Chrome
When I’m doing research, there’s nothing worse than leaving a bunch of tabs open and having your browser crash or alternatively, you want to pivot from what you’re doing or shut your computer down without losing all of your tabs. I have been using Tab Session Manager for Firefox and it was another big game changer for me. It will automatically save my sessions but I can also manually save them as well and then restore those sessions at any time. Session Buddy for Chrome works similarly.
This is a fantastic plug-in for Firefox. Unfortunately, it isn’t free but in my opinion it is well worth it. It is an integration that works with CanLII to provide you with clickable headings (for Most SCC cases, many FCA, ONCA, BCCA, and ABCA cases). Helps you identify the majority and dissenting judgments. Shows you when you’ve read a case previously. Optimizes the layouts of cases and more. Now that I’ve had it, I can’t live without it. Not every case is compatible with the plug-in but more and more are being added as time goes on. It is definitely worth checking out.
This is a neat plug-in which changes the appearance of text to help you read faster. It is remarkable how much faster I can read when I use it. All you have to do is install the add-on and turn it on when you wish to use it.
This tip was originally published in 14 Of My Favourite Resources for Articling Students & Junior Lawyers by Charlene Scheffelmair
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