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May 2024
Today, I read two articles that, at first, appear to be entirely unrelated to one another. Technology – Another Drain on Public Resources? First, this one: Elizabeth Thompson, “Federal Government Plans to Increase its use of AI – With Some Big Exceptions” (CBC News, May 27, 2024), online. I read this article with interest. I...
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What happens when an intellectual property enforcement proceeding takes too long? Most IP cases in Canada take place in the Federal Court where the rules around dismissals for delay are different than in the provincial superior courts. In the Ontario Superior Court, after a pandemic hiatus, the court is resuming administrative dismissals of civil cases...
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The recent CBA national conference for immigration lawyers passed as though COVID is a distant memory. Crowded rooms full of professionals who serve the Canadian immigration system and our diverse mosaic of communities, in some way or another. Past practices of social distancing or meeting remotely have gone the way of the Dodo bird. At...
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There are a lot of ways to characterize any event, and a good lawyer can use language to describe a situation and also advocate for their client. I learned from experienced colleagues who were teaching students this skill. The example my colleagues used was drawn from a tragic event nearby: a police shooting of a...
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I recently read about an interesting concept about reframing one’s point of view. It stated that if you wake up with the sun, you are still asleep. However if you awaken the sun, then you are truly awake. I had to read it a few times to actually understand it’s meaning, but then I realized...
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